Jubilee year 2025
The 2025 Jubilee officially opened in Rome on 24 December 2024 at 7.00pm, with the rite of Opening of the Holy Door of the Papal Basilica of St Peter by Pope Francis, who then presided over the celebration of the Night Mass of the Lord's Birth inside the Basilica.
What is a Jubilee?
A Jubilee is a special year of grace and conversion, involving prayer, pilgrimage and sacramental repentance, held every 25 years, or during other years as called for by the Pope. Through a series of concrete rituals, acts and commitments, the goal of a Jubilee year is to inspire and encourage holiness of life among the faithful and therefore to strengthen the Church’s witness to God’s loving mercy in and for the world.
The word “jubilee” is derived from the Hebrew word jobel, which means “ram’s horn”; since it was precisely that horn which was used as a trumpet, whose sound indicated to everybody the beginning of the jubilee year. The book of Leviticus, in the code of holiness, is the source which tells us of the significance of the jubilee year, a year of liberation “par excellence,” which is at the end of seven weeks of years, the fiftieth year.
Farewell Events for Fr Andrew Choi
Fr Andrew Choi has been appointed Administrator of the Parish of St Patrick’s, Kilmore, commencing Wednesday 15th January 2025. We congratulate him on his appointment, and pray for God’s blessings upon him in this new role. With his approaching departure to Kilmore Parish on Wednesday 15th January, a farewell morning tea was held on 5th January, in the St Patrick’s Parish Centre, after 11:00 am Mass.
Saturday/Sunday Sacramental Preparation Programs for
Catholic Children attending Non-Catholic Schools
Catholic parents who are interested in having their children (from Grade 3 to 6) receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (First Confession), First Eucharist (First Holy Communion), or Confirmation in 2025 are welcome to enrol their children to attend the Saturday/Sunday Sacramental Preparation Programs conducted by the Partnered Catholic Parishes of Mentone-Parkdale and Beaumaris-Black Rock.
Registration can be made at the Parish Community Centre during the following timeslots:
Sunday January 19th 2025 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Sunday February 9th 2025 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
All registration and lessons are held in the Parish Community Centre located behind St. Patrick’s Church, enter via 3 Mitchell Street, Mentone.
Lessons are conducted by Sr. Mary Joseph, Pastoral Associate, and the Parish Team of Catechists. Lessons will commence in late February 2025.
Further details please contact the Parish Office via Phone: 9583 2103 or Email: mentoneparkdaleeast@cam.org.au ​