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Ordinariate Community of St Edmund Campion

A unique and important part of the life of the Catholic Parish of Mentone/East Parkdale is the Community of St Edmund Campion.

The Community of  St Edmund Campion

The community, which has been worshipping at St Patrick’s, Mentone since 2012, is part of the Australian Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross.

​Fr James Grant has commenced as pastor of the Ordinariate Community of St Edmund Campion, Mentone, succeeding Fr Ramsay in that role, and celebrating the Ordinariate Mass 9:30 am every Sunday.

Pope Benedict XVI established the Ordinariate for former Anglicans, in full communion with the Catholic Church, in 2009 as a separate jurisdiction of the Roman or Latin rite. Pope Francis expanded the mission of the Ordinariate in more recent times.

The Ordinariates are found in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada, as well as Australia. They maintain some liturgical, spiritual, and pastoral traditions of Anglicanism, approved by the Holy See.  Ordinariate priests, formerly Anglican clergy, are ordained Catholic priests. 

The Ordinariate Missal draws on both Catholic and Anglican liturgical resources and includes some texts from the Book of Common Prayer.

​Mass according to the Ordinariate form of the Roman rite is celebrated every Sunday at 9.30 am, in St Patrick’s, Mentone. Everyone is welcome to attend these Masses. Christians in full communion with the Holy See may receive Holy Communion.


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St Patricks & St John Vianney
Stella Maris & St Josephs

10 Rogers Street, Mentone, Vic 3194


9583 2103

Office hours 9 - 5 pm Monday to Thursday

Phone is monitored after hours for emergencies




St Patrick’s, 10 Rogers St, Mentone
St John Vianney’s, Cnr Warren Rd & Brisbane Tce, Parkdale
Stella Maris, 2 Charlotte Rd, Beaumaris
St Joseph’s, 542 Balcombe Rd, Black Rock




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